Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 6th Global Summit on Plant Science Valencia, Spain.

Day 2 :

Keynote Forum

Geert De Jaeger

VIB-Ghent University, Belgium

Keynote: AP-MS and organ growth in plants: from cells to tissues

Time : 10:00-10:40

Conference Series Plant Science 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Geert De Jaeger  photo

Geert De Jaeger is Associate Professor at Ghent University - Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, and Adjunct Director of the VIB Center for Plant Systems Biology (Ghent, Belgium). His main research interest is the development and application of interactomics technology in Plant Research to study the regulation of plant growth at the molecular and biochemical level. His research team obtained high international visibility with their state of the art AP-MS platform that maps protein interaction networks in plants. In the past 5 years this technology generated data for 42 TIER 25% manuscripts, holding 12 TIER 1%, and 33 TIER 5% manuscripts. He currently authored 82 A1 publications with more than 3200 life time citations, H-index of 33, and he holds 7 patents.


At the very basis of cellular structure and function lie networks of short- and long-term molecular interactions. The author’s research team develops interactomic tools for plants and runs a state of the art affinity purification mass spectrometry (AP-MS) platform for protein complex isolation. Through its high specificity and explanatory power, our platform steadily became a central–omics tool in our research department. Complexes got isolated for hundreds of proteins involved in cell growth and proliferation control leading towards protein discovery, functional analysis of protein complexes, and the mapping of protein networks involved in plant organ growth. They started in cell cultures, but steadily moved towards Arabidopsis seedlings, to finally end up into crop plants. Their bigger organs make them particularly suitable for the study of the complex regulation of organ growth in a developmental context. They obtained proof of concept for the study of protein complex dynamics during leaf growth and demonstrate its use for organ growth engineering.

Keynote Forum

Douglas J Marques

Universidade José do Rosário Vellano, Brazil

Keynote: Differential responses of root system and gas exchange in contrasting tomato genotypes under phosphorus starvation

Time : 11:00-11:40

Conference Series Plant Science 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Douglas J Marques  photo

Douglas Jose Marques, PhD in Agronomy - Soil Science/Plant Nutrition and Fertility at the Unifversidade Federal de Lavras, Brazil/UFLA (2013). I currently hold the position of Integral Professor at the Alfenas/FETA Foundation of Education and Technology, which is the maintainer of the Universidade José do Rosário Vellano/UNIFENAS, Coordinator of the Olericultura Studies Center, Horticulture and Experimentation Sector and Experimental Area of ​​Organic Agriculture. Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Production Systems in Agriculture and in the PhD course in Sustainable Agriculture. In the area of ​​Ecophysiology and Fertility and Mineral Nutrition of Plants I have directed the studies to the beneficial effect of silicon as a source of water stress in maize and sorghum for arid and semi-arid regions. We are working with some extension projects in the creation and conduction of gardens: community, urban, schools, asylums and therapeutic and transformation of the same to the system of organic agriculture.


Phosphorus (P) is an essential macronutrient for the development of plants. Although it is not always required in larger amounts, its presence is often limited, since the Brazilian and other soils of the world are generally poor in this element. Introduction of tomato plants with greater efficiency in the absorption of phosphorus have been identified. Study conducted by Hochmuth et al., (1985) evaluated more than 200 tomato types (Solanum lycopersicum), with at least two of these introductions being highly efficient in extracting P from the poor-P solution. In one of these introductions (PI 121665 was described as Globonnie cultivar), the efficiency in the extraction of phosphorus was associated with a morphological characteristic in the roots, when this type was cultivated in nutrient solution containing a low content of P. This characteristic, called "cottony root", showed up in simple heritage (a recessive gene, termed crt) and is associated with a large number of roots that can be observed in a microscope after being stained with carmine acetic, when plants are grown in solutions with low content (2 ppm) P, while that this response is not observed when higher concentrations of P (8 ppm) are used. The objective of the research was to evaluate the development of the root system, gas exchange and efficiency in the absorption of phosphorus in contrasting tomato genotypes. The experimental design was a randomized block in the factorial scheme with three tomato genotypes (Globonnie, Tom-598 and F1) and four phosphorus levels (0.2, 30, 60 and 100 mg L-1) with four replications. By evaluating the root morphology, it was observed that the genotype Globonnie produced the highest length, surface area and volume of the root at dose 0.2 mg L-1 of P. For the gaseous exchange there was a higher photosynthetic rate, perspiration and stomatal conductance for Globonnie at the lowest dose of P. For the concentration of P in the leaf and root Globonnie also presented higher content at the dose of 0.2 mg L-1 of P. It was concluded with the research that Globonnie and F1 presented better performances at the dose of 0.2 mg L-1 of P, due to higher root production and gas exchange. Here, we reveal a possible reduction of phosphorus and consequent production costs in tomato agriculture. The Globonnie genotype has the expression of its gene under the conditions of lack of P.


Keynote Forum

Levan Ujmajuridze

Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, Georgia

Keynote: Efficiency of application of bentonite in bio vine growing

Time : 11:40- 12:20

Conference Series Plant Science 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Levan Ujmajuridze photo

Levan Ujmajuridze has a PhD in Agrarian Sciences. He is an honored winemaker of Georgia; International expert; Member of Commission at The International Vine & Wine Organization OIV; National Focal Point of the Plant Genetic Resources at Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO. He has a basic expertise in agrodiversity restoration and conservation. He gives lectures at the leading Georgian Universities – Georgian Agrarian University, Technical University of Georgia. He has up to 47 scientific publications, 4 monographs, 1 invention and 2 patents – Georgian new wheat variety “Tbilisuri 15” and new oats variety “Argo”. Since 2014 he is a Director of LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. The above article is a joint work with the Institute of Organic Chemistry, which concerns creation and use of new biological drug in bio vine growing


Production of bio vine implies application in agriculture of substances of only organic origin. Despite the mentioned, for control of powdery mildew (oidium), application of preparations of sulfur as the most efficient means in vine growing is essential up to now and in a number of countries it is regulated only by legislative framework (frequency and interval of application). For the purpose in order to settle the mentioned problem and to achieve practical results within the framework of the project of the National Science Foundation “Use of innovation methods in vine growing of Georgia” together with the Institute of Organic Chemistry we have developed the substance bentonite. Chemically processed sulfur clay particles destruct spores of oidium; they have the same effect towards mycelium as pure sulfur and additionally have a property of high adhesiveness. For the preparation of sulfur-containing bentonite were used local natural clay from Askana ore and sulfur powder. Askana clay was being modified by sulfur in the same mode as the clinoptilolite. High density powder of Askana clay render scope and spectroscopic analysis showed, that supposedly amorphous sulfur had penetrated between clay layer structure layers and had been received homogeneous nanostructured material. For the first time we have tested bentonite in laboratory conditions on aquatic vine cultures, and also practically in the experimental vineyard. 

  • Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | Plant Genome Sciences | Plant Morphology and Plant Metabolism | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | Soil Science and Soil-Plant Nutrition
Location: Scala