Claudia Arcidiacono
Associate Professor
UnivItalyersity of Catania
Dr. Eng. Claudia Arcidiacono is an Associate Professor of the University of Catania, Italy, where she obtained her PhD in 1998. President of the MSc in ‘Safeguard of the Territory, Environment and Landscape’, Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania. She was Coordinator of the international PhD course in 'Agricultural Engineering' of the University of Catania and at present she is member of the board of the international PhD course ‘Agriculture, Food and Environmental Science’, University of Catania. She is author of more than 90 publications. She is fellow of CIGR, Eurageng, ISHS, and AIIA. Her research interests regard GIS analysis for rural land planning, analysis of biomass feedstock production, image classification and feature extraction for rural land planning, LCA analysis of biomass production processes
Research Interest
biomass, Landscape